Privacy policy

This privacy policy describes how First Coach Worldwide AB (“Performex Coaching” or “we”) and our product (“Performex Coaching Platform”) might collect and process your personal data, in compliance with applicable laws protecting your privacy, when you use Performex Coaching’s privacy and security services. 1. Privacy & Security Services in the Performex Coaching Platform Performex Coaching provides a platform (”Platform” or “Performex Coaching Platform”) allowing coaches (also referred to as trainers) to provide online training services to their clients (both referred to as ”Users” throughout this Privacy Policy). By using Performex Coaching, you are asking the Performex Coaching Platform to make changes to your privacy settings and/or personal data. This is what we call “processing of your personal data”. When you access the Performex Coaching Platform for the first time, you may see a pop-up displaying a link to this privacy policy. Before using the Performex Coaching Platform, please read this privacy policy carefully and agree to its terms to continue using the Performex Coaching Platform. If you do not agree with this privacy policy, please do not use the Performex Coaching Platform. A. Functionalities The Performex Coaching Platform will never change anything in your user accounts without your prior authorization. Consequently, we are only processing your data because you have consented to it and/or because we are performing a service you have requested from us. (i) Subscription to certain plans If you subscribe to certain services or plans (i.e. subscription services as described in our Terms of Use or through our website as defined under subscription plans) your payment may be handled by third-parties such as Google, Apple or Stripe (or similar vendors), depending on factors such as your phone’s make or model, the plan you choose, the country in which you are located, and the features made available to you. We may provide these companies access to data required to process the payment for a Performex Coaching Platform subscription. Your personal data may be stored by us and/or these payment providers as required by tax regulations and/or payment network requirements (e.g. visa, mastercard, etc.) B. Your rights How to access, rectify, or delete your personal data? If you want to delete any data stored in the Performex Coaching Platform, you need to delete the Performex Coaching Platform from your phone as well as delete your account with our services and Platform. For more information about your use of the Performex Coaching Platform, please consult our Terms of Use. 2. Performex Coaching Platform Analytics The Performex Coaching Platform may collect analytics information to ensure that our Platform works correctly on different devices and operating systems. The purpose of such collection is to help us improve the quality of our product and make your experience better. You can opt-out from anonymous Performex Coaching Platform analytics at any time, by emailing us and we will no longer collect analytics data from your device. The Performex Coaching Platform may send your analytics data to our analytics provider. For more information about the analytics provider we use, please contact through our website at [email protected]. We delete our analytics when they become obsolete. 3. Push Notifications We may send you updates about the Performex Coaching Platform by sending you push notifications through the Performex Coaching Platform if you have given us your prior approval to do so. You may opt-out of receiving these notifications at any time by changing the appropriate settings within your Performex Coaching Platform. 4. Support Performex Coaching is by your side to help you control your privacy. Therefore, if you have any questions or concerns regarding the Performex Coaching Platform, this Privacy Policy or your privacy rights, you can contact our support team directly in the Performex Coaching Platform, or by sending an email to: [email protected] We may use third-party services, to receive and reply to your messages when sent by email, as well as when you chat with us directly in the Performex Coaching Platform. For more information about this, please contact us at [email protected] 5. Surveys We may conduct surveys within the Performex Coaching Platform to get feedback on our products and services. When conducting such surveys, we might collect anonymous information such as country or age range to understand demographics of our userbase. We may give you the possibility to provide us your email address on an opt-in basis if you want the opportunity to chat with a team member or if you want to receive updates regarding the Performex Coaching Platform. In such events, we only process your email address for the purpose provided for in the survey, and for as long as strictly necessary. We do not sell it or transfer it to any third-party. You can opt-out from any further communication, rectify, and/or erase your email address directly in any received communication, or by sending us an email. 6. Newsletter You can subscribe to our newsletter at any time by providing us your email address in the Performex Coaching Platform or on our dedicated websites. We only send the newsletter to you for the informational purposes you have chosen when you subscribed. You can opt-out whenever you want by clicking the opt-out link directly in the newsletter or by sending us an email. 7. Functioning cookies on our websites We have installed cookies on our websites to collect your IP address only for strictly necessary purposes to enable our websites to work properly as described below. We do not have any other cookies on our websites (such as tracking or advertising cookies). You can refuse the use of cookies at any time by adjusting the settings of your browser (Safari, Firefox, Chrome) by selecting the “cookies” option in the “Help” function to obtain information about the location of the cookie folder. Please note that disabling cookies may limit access to certain features or pages of the Performex Coaching Platform website. Please note, in any instance where subprocessors (other companies) are used to process your information, we will inform you as such. You are recommended to visit each subsequent subprocessor’s website for more information regarding how they process your data. 8. Extraordinary disclosures We may be obligated to disclose your personal data if we determine that such disclosure is reasonably necessary and required: (a) to comply with applicable laws or judicial orders; (b) to protect the rights or property of Performex Coaching Platform or other users of our services, including in investigating any violation or potential violation of the law, this Privacy Policy, or our Terms of Use. We will always keep in mind that your data should be protected therefore we will always fight unjustified requests and be transparent about them. If the Performex Coaching Platform or our business or assets are acquired by, or merged into, another company, that company will possess any personal data in our possession at such time and will assume our rights and obligations under this Policy. 9. Security of data We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk linked to our processing of all data as described hereabove. To implement such measures, we have taken into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing. 10. Access/Rectification/Deletion/Portability of your personal data On a general basis, you can access, rectify, or delete your personal data directly through the Performex Coaching Platform, or through the service providers we are relying on as described above or by contacting the support team directly through the Performex Coaching Platform or via email. Performex Coaching will inform you if it can act on your request or if you need to do it directly in the Performex Coaching Platform, with our support. • Specification for deletion: You may also ask us to delete your personal data where one of the following grounds applies: the personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed; you withdraw the consent you have previously given; you object to the processing of your personal data and there is no legal reason for such processing; the processing of personal data does not comply with the provisions of the applicable legislation; Please note that the exercise of this right may not be possible when the retention of your personal data is necessary for compliance with statutory or regulatory provisions and in particular for example for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. 11. Restriction of processing You may request restriction of processing of your personal data in the cases provided for by laws and regulations. You can exercise this right directly through the Performex Coaching Platform or by contacting the support team directly through the Performex Coaching Platform. If you are unable to complete your requests through the Performex Coaching Platform or such services, you can send a detailed message explaining your request to us via email. 12. Changes to the privacy policy Any changes we make to the Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page and, when mandatory, notified to you directly in the Performex Coaching Platform. 13. Liability and Disclaimers Limits on liability and disclaimers applicable to our privacy policy are provided under our Terms of Use. 14. Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please send a detailed message to: [email protected] Thanks for reading!